Submission and public defence of a doctoral thesis
The procedures that define how to do the drafting, presentation and public defense of the doctoral thesis are included in chapters 10, 11 and 12 of the Academic Regulations of the Doctoral Studies of the UPC.
Detailed information at:
To start the process of reading a thesis they must have publications in recognised solvency conferences in the research area of PhD and articles in JCR indexed journals.
The PhD candidate must be the first author of at least 1 JCR publication where its content presents one or more of the contributions of the thesis. In any case, the CAPD must assess whether the works are sufficient for the defense of the thesis.
As a general rule, the following documents (using the numbering in the filenames) must be sent to the CAPD (by e-mail to the program coordinator):
1.1 Summary: A summary of the doctoral thesis of approximately one page.
1.2.Contributions: A list of all the contributions made in the doctoral thesis with a brief description of a paragraph justifying the relevance of each of them.
1.3.Publications: A list of all the publications of the doctoral student indicating which of the thesis contributions each presents. In Journals, indicate the JCR Impact Factor, the quartile and the category (in case the Impact Factor is not yet available for the publication date, use the last year available and indicate this). In conferences, include a quality index (such as the one from CORE or GSS Conference Rating).
2.Thesis: PhD Tesis (also uploaded at AteneaPhD).
3. Thesis summary, in official format from the Doctoral School (in catalan, spanish and english).
4. DAD
5. IEE form: 2 external referee reports, al least one referee must be international (since may, 25th, 2022, according to Pla Millora DOC000001404.M.6.2021, Informe d’Acreditació 2021).
6.1 T form: Board proposal, al least one member must be international, except permission from the Doctorate Commission (since may, 25th, 2022, according to Pla Millora DOC000001404.M.6.2021, Informe d’Acreditació 2021).
6.2 Short CV from the board members.
7. ADT form: Supervisor authorisation.
8. TDX form: Author rights for TDX.
9. ADU form: Quality report and authorisation from the Doctorate Commission.
PTDC form: In case of defense with confidentiality.
ET form: In case of embargo.
In case of International Mention
MI form: Application for the International Doctorate mention
AA form: Endorsement and authorisation
Certificate of stay.
The Committee will review the documentation and within a maximum period of one month will evaluate the deposit and defense proposal. If these criteria are not met, the Committee will reject the reading proposal, which can not be resubmitted until new contributions have been made.
The above quality assurance criteria are subject to periodic review by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program. Whenever this is done, an adequate transition period will be given.
The quality assurance criteria described above may be revised periodically by the academic committee of the doctoral programme. If changes are made, a suitable transition period will be allowed.