PostDoctoral Offer

The Department of Engineering of the public Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, invites applications for a Tenure Track faculty position on Computer Security.

The Department of Electrical Engineering offers a two year post doc position in IoT-based Security for Critical Infrastructure.

Open Research Associate position (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT)

Expression of Interest for Postdoctoral Position in Integrated Sensing and Communication for Future Wireless

Contact details to submit the CV: or

Ajuts postdoctorals AXA FEllowships 2023 “Renewable Energy: Ensuring a sustainable and fair transition”.

1 post-doc - UWICORE laboratory at the Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Spain)

Three postdoctoral scholarships - Department of Computing Science at Umeå University

The position is placed at the Sensible Things that Communicate (STC) research center

Applications for a postdoctoral position in the area of autonomous cars and robots networking (IRIT Lab, CNRS / University of Toulouse 3, France)

Postdoctoral Researcher in the Research Group Cooperative Autonomous Systems PhD-students in the Research Group Cooperative Autonomous Systems

1 PhD position on Green network slice orchestration in virtualized Radio Access Networks (vRANs) / 1 Post-doc/research Engineer on Network slice security management in OAI-based 5G platform